I AM Mentoring
Intelligent and Ambitious Minds was created in 2022 at McKinley Junior High School in South Holland, Il. It's commonly referred to by it's acronym- I AM. I AM's main goals are to help young ladies identify positive traits and attributes within themselves, learn to speak words of affirmations over their lives on a daily basis, and reflect on their character and actions in order to grow and make room for improvements.

Mission Statement
I AM's mission is to empower each young lady to strive for growth in every aspect of their life, develop healthy and strong relationships that allow them to reach their full potential, and to provide a safe space for our youth to ask questions and receive guidance and support within their school community.
Motto: I am Tenacious, I am Resilient, I am Intelligent AND Ambitious!
I AM's vision is to provide small-group style mentoring sessions for young ladies between the ages of 8 and 15 (approximately forth to eighth grade) . Our curriculum was crafted by our founder, Rochelle Wilson, and is tailored to meet the needs of our participants. It is also aligned with Illinois State Standards for Social and Emotional Learning. We partner participants with adult mentors that are certified teachers and professional staff members of SD150. Since we are a Non-Profit organization, we are completely volunteer based and receive our funding through fundraisers and sponsorships.